Consulting Services
The Center will provide a free initial consultation with additional service options available. After the initial project meeting, faculty and researchers will pay for services via grant funding or departmental funds.
Proposal Development
Statistics faculty contributing to the development of a research proposal will serve as a Co Principal Investigator and will not charge for services. They will include a budget for analysis as part of the proposal and will be compensated according to the proposal work plan and budget.
Fixed Annual Contribution
Schools/departments can make a fixed annual monetary contribution to the center in return for services or a fixed number of consulting hours per year.
Workshops and Conferences
The Center will provide training to university faculty, graduate students, and researchers by organizing workshops and conferences in a variety of areas. The Center will offer occasional seminars or colloquia on topics of broad interest, and on recent advances in research methodology. For example, workshops may be offered on statistical methods, statistical software such as SAS and R, as well as statistics review workshops to refresh and update skills. The Center welcomes requests for specialized workshops and training sessions from Temple University and outside clients. The Center will charge for attendance offering a reduced rate for students.