Institute of Global Management Studies


“The Fox School of Business and Management, A Regional Resource with a Global Presence”

The line between what is domestic and what is international business is increasingly blurred. The removal of international trade barriers and the flow of capital, increasing multilateralism, transitioning centrally planned economies around the world are just some of the events that have lead to work markets to becoming more integrated.

Rapid technological advances and their impacts on global business practices have taken the decision to go global or not out of the hands of the enterprise. Businesses no longer have a choice to accept the challenge of competing in the international arena. It is increasingly imperative to be internationally competitive in order to maintain success even in domestic markets.

In keeping pace with rapid changes and impacts of globalization on business practices, the Institute of Global Management Studies (IGMS) remains responsive to the needs of the business, academic and governmental communities in the Greater Philadelphia region by:

  • Equipping graduates with the education, skills and experiences that will enable them to succeed as leaders in the global marketplace
  • Supporting, producing and publishing quality research of value to regional and international organizations
  • Developing outreach activities such as conferences and seminars that explore current issues and trends in international business

The IGMS is an interdisciplinary institute which provides support for faculty from various departments and backgrounds all interested in advancing international business research and teaching.

The IGMS oversees academic programming in international business at the Fox School, fosters relationships with alumni both here and abroad, and supports activities on campus that advance the mission of internationalization at Temple University.