Fang, Z, B Gu, X Luo, and Y. Xu (2015), “Contemporaneous and Delayed Sales Impact of Location-Based Mobile Promotions,” Information Systems Research, 26 (September), 552-564. PDF
N Fong, Z Fang, and X Luo (2015), “Geo-Conquesting: Competitive Locational Mobile Promotions,” Journal of Marketing Research, 52 (October), 726-735.PDF, PPT presentation
Luo, X, H. Wang, S. Raithel, and Q. Zheng (2015), “Corporate Social Responsibility, Analyst Stock Recommendations, and Firm Future Returns,” Strategic Management Journal, 36 (1), 123–136.PDF
M Andrews, X Luo, Z.Fang, and J Aspara (2014), “Cause Marketing Effectiveness and the Moderating Role of Price Promotions” Journal of Marketing, 78 (6), November, 120-42.PDF, PPT presentation
Luo, Xueming, Vamsi Kanuri, and Michelle Andrews (2014), “How Does CEO Tenure Matter? The Mediating Role of Firm-Employee and Firm-Customer Relations,” Strategic Management Journal, 35 (4), April, 492-511.PDF
Luo, Xueming, M. Andrews, Y. Song, and J. Aspara (2014), “Group-Buying Deal Popularity,” Journal of Marketing, 78: 20-33.PDF
Q. Wu, X Luo, R Slotegraaf, and J Aspara (2015), “Sleeping with Rivals for Higher Returns on Innovation” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
Fang, Zheng, X Luo, and M. Keith (2014), “How Effective is Location-Targeted Mobile Advertising?” MIT Sloan Management Review, Forthcoming.
S. Mani and X Luo (2015), “Product alliances, alliance networks, and shareholder value,” International Journal of Research in Marketing.
Fang, Zheng, Xueming Luo,M. Andrews, and C. Phang (2014), “Mobile Discounts: A Matter of Distance and Time,” Harvard Business Review, May, 92(5), 30.
Luo, Xueming, Ran Zhang, Weining Zhang, Jaakko Aspara (2014), “Do Institutional Investors Pay Attention to Customer Satisfaction and Why?” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.PDF
Luo, Xueming, Michael Wiles, and Sascha Raithel (2013), “How Polarizing is Your Brand?” Harvard Business Review, November.
Luo, Xueming and Jennifer Zhang (2013), “How Do Consumer Buzz and Traffic in Social Media Marketing Predict the Value of the Firm,” Journal of Management Information Systems, Fall, 213-238.PDF
Luo, Xueming, Sascha Raithel, and Michael Wiles (2013), “The Impact of Brand Dispersion on Firm Value,” Journal of Marketing Research, June, 399-415.PDF
Luo, Xueming, Jennifer Zhang, and Wenjing Duan (2013), “Social Media and Firm Equity Value,” Information Systems Research, 24:146-163.PDF
Luo, Xueming, V. Kanuri, and M. Andrews (2013), “Why Too Long CEO Tenure May Hurt Firm Performance?” Harvard Business Review, March.
Fang, Zheng, Xueming Luo, and Minhua Jiang (2013), “Dynamic Effects of Service Recovery on Customer satisfaction,” Journal of Service Research, 16(3) 341- 355.PDF
Luo, Xueming, Jan Wieseke, and Christian Homburg (2012), “Incentivizing CEOs to Build Customer- and Employee-Firm Relations for Higher Customer Satisfaction and Firm Value,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40(6), 745-58.PDF
Luo, Xueming and Pieter de Jong (2012), “Does Advertising Spending Really Work? The Intermediate Role of Analysts in the Impact of Advertising on Firm Value,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40, 605-624.PDF
Luo, Xueming and Shuili Du (2012), “Good Companies Introduce More Innovations” Harvard Business Review, 90 (4), April, 28-28.
Luo, Xueming, Christian Homburg, and Jan Wieseke (2010), “Customer Satisfaction, Analyst Stock Recommendations, and Firm Value,” Journal of Marketing Research, 47(6), 1041-1058.PDF
Luo, Xueming (2010), “Product Competitiveness and Beating Analyst Earnings Target,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38(3), 253-64.PDF
Luo, Xueming (2009), “Quantifying the Long-Term Impact of Negative Word of Mouth on Cash Flow and Stock Price Volatility,” Marketing Science, 28(1), 148-65.PDF
Luo, Xueming and CB Bhattacharya (2009), “Debate over Doing Good: Corporate Social Performance, Strategic Marketing Levers, and Firm-idiosyncratic Risk,” Journal of Marketing, 73(6), 198-213.PDF
Mao, Huifang, Xueming Luo, and Shailendra Pratap Jain (2009), “Consumer Responses to Brand Elimination,”Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19, 280-9.PDF
Luo, Xueming (2008), “When Marketing Strategy First Meets Wall Street: Marketing Spendings and Firms’ Initial Public Offerings (IPOs),” Journal of Marketing, 72(5), 98-109.PDF
Luo, Xueming and Christian Homburg (2008), “Satisfaction, Complaint, and the Stock Value Gap,” Journal of Marketing, 72(4), 29-43.PDF
Luo, Xueming, Maxwell Hsu, and Sandra Liu (2008), “An Institution Legitimacy Approach to the Customer Orientation—Trust—Performance Link,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36(2), 202-214.PDF
Luo, Xueming (2007), “Consumer Negative Voice and Firm-Idiosyncratic Stock Returns,” Journal of Marketing, 71 (3), 75-88.PDF
Luo, Xueming and Christian Homburg (2007), “Neglected Outcomes of Customer Satisfaction,” Journal of Marketing, 71 (2), 133-49.PDF
Luo, Xueming, Aric Rindfleisch, and David Tse (2007), “Working with Rivals: The Impact of Competitor Alliances on Financial Returns to Competitor-Oriented Firms,” Journal of Marketing Research, 44(1), 73-83.PDF
Wu, Weiping, Lianxi Zhou, and Xueming Luo (2007), “Internationalization and Performance of Born-Global SMEs: The Mediating Role of Guanxi Networks,” Journal of the International Business Studies, 38(4), 673-90.PDF
Luo, Xueming and CB Bhattacharya (2006), “Corporate Social Responsibility, Customer Satisfaction, and Market Value,” Journal of Marketing, 70 (4), 1-18.PDF
Luo, Xueming and Naveen Donthu (2006), “Marketing’s Credibility: A Longitudinal Study of Marketing Communication Productivity and Shareholder Value,” Journal of Marketing, 70 (4), 70-91.PDF
Luo, Xueming, Rebecca Slotegraaf, and Xing Pan (2006), “Cross-Functional Coopetition: The Simultaneous Role of Cooperation and Competition within Firms,” Journal of Marketing,70 (2), 67-80.PDF
Luo, Xueming, K. Sivakumar, and Sandra S. Liu (2005), “Marketing Resources, Globalization, and Performance: Evidence from China,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33 (1), 50-65.PDF
Luo, Xueming (2005), “How Does Shopping with Others Matter to Individual Impulsive Purchasing?” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 15 (4), 288-294.
Luo, Xueming (2004), “Data Envelopment Analysis: A Management Science Tool for Scientific Marketing Research,” Journal of Marketing Research, 42 (3), Book Review, 113-116.PDF
Luo, Xueming, David Griffith, S. Liu, and Y. Shi (2004), “The Effects of Customer Relationships and Social Capital on Firm Performance: A Chinese Business Illustration,” Journal of International Marketing, 12 (4), 25-45.
Liu, Sandra S., Xueming Luo, and Shi, Yi-Zheng (2002), “Integrating Customer Orientation, Corporate Entrepreneurship, and Learning Orientation in Organizations-in-Transition: An Empirical Study,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 19 (4). 367-382.
Luo, Xueming and Naveen Donthu (2002), “Advertising Maybe Inefficient Irrespective of How the Advertising Budget Was Set,” Journal of Advertising Research, 42 (2), 93-95.
Luo, Xueming and Naveen Donthu (2001), “Benchmarking Advertising Efficiency,” Journal of Advertising Research, November/December, 41(6), 7-18.